Home PMB Mortgage Loan

Platinum Mortgage Loan

Platinum Mortgage Loan is designed to finance the construction of residential real estate (With existing landed property) and also financing of single or multiple family unit for their personal residence


  • Access to upfront NHF loan Scheme.
  • Interest rate as low as 6%


1.      Two personal guarantors

2.      Printout of the last six months current acct statement with other banks

3.      Payslips- last five months

4.      Evidence of any other source of income

5.      Personal tax clearance certificate

6.      Schedule of repayment plan

7.      Valid ID card and two passport photos

8.      Copies of all the necessary document of landed property being used as security or any other

9.      Post dated cheques to the value of the loan as an additional security.

10.  Receipt of duly executed facility offer letter

11.  Payment of equity as follows:

                          i. 20%-30% for properties in liaison with PMBL

                         ii.  40-50% for properties not in liaison with PMPL


12.  Extract of board resolution requesting for loan if a company

13.  Repayment plan

14.  Security for the loan

15.  The company commercial bank acct statement (6 months)

16.  The company’s audited financial statement

17.  Two third party guarantees

18.  Tax clearance cert

19.  Possible inspection to assess the progress of work in the site in case of tranche disbursement

20.  Valuation report

21.  Search report

22.  Post-dated cheque

23.  Receipt of duly executed offer letter

24.  Execution of deed of legal mortgage.